Spring Bank Holiday

Spring Bank Holiday in United Kingdom, for the years 2018, 2019 and 2020.

United Kingdom 2018 2019 2020
Spring Bank Holiday Monday 28th May Monday 27th May Monday 25th May

Spring Bank Holiday

The Spring Bank holiday Happens in the UK on the Last Monday in May

Spring Bank Holiday is a time to celebrate Spring occurrence and take a day away from school or work. Banks are closed at this Late May Bank or Spring Holiday.

A History Of Spring Bank Holiday

Until 1967 Whit Monday, also called Bank Holiday or Spring Holiday in the United Kingdom, was replaced by the Spring bank Holiday. This Spring occurrence happens on the last Monday in May. Spring bank holiday was celebrated in many former British colonies. Spring Bank Holiday was originally an agricultural festival, a celebration, a Spring occurrence, celebrating a Spring bank-free beginning of Summer. Official Spring bank holidays began in 1871, when a banker, Sir John Lubblock initiated the Spring Holiday that was recognised in an Act of Parliament. When the Lubblock Spring Holiday Act was passed it regulated four Spring bank holidays in the United Kingdom. Whit Monday became the Spring Holiday, Spring bank or May Day holiday.

A Special occurrence, A Special Spring Bank day

The roots of this Spring Holiday occurrence stretch back to pre-Christian pagan festivals when village greens had May Poles and locals danced on Spring bank days and chose and crowned a May Queen. It was a Spring occurrence, a Spring bank day to welcome Spring. The Spring occurrence, May Day is a reminder of the nations agricultural roots, ancient traditions and religious festivals. This Spring occurrence has ancient beginnings but a contemporary place in today's calendar as a Spring occurrence, a Spring bank holiday. It was legalised in 1978. Many opposed the Spring Holiday believing it to be a communist idea as most countries behind the Iron Curtain celebrated International Workers' Day on May 1st.