Summer Bank Holiday

Summer Bank Holiday in United Kingdom, for the years 2018, 2019 and 2020.

United Kingdom 2018 2019 2020
Summer Bank Holiday (all countries but Scotland) 27th August 26th August -
Summer Bank Holiday (Scotland only) 6th August 5th August -

Summer Bank Holiday

The Summer Bank Holiday now marks the end of the holidays

A Summer Bank Holiday has not always been held in the UK, with the current structure of Holidays including the Summer bank closure only coming into effect in 1965. Prior to 1965 this Summer occurrence was used as a form of Summer holiday for workers who wanted to take advantage of a long weekend and spend some time at the seaside. The Summer Holiday for working class people quickly became known for excessive drinking and has been in danger of being abandoned at various periods of time when a Summer bank closure was not supported.

John Lubbock and the Summer Holiday

In 1871 a regular Summer bank closure became a Summer occurrence under an Act of Parliament created by Sir John Lubbock. A banker, Lubbock hoped to standardise the Summer bank Holiday and all other bank Holidays to avoid confusion, and it is reported to leave the banker free to play cricket at his local teams home games. This regular Summer occurrence was generally positioned in the middle of the Summer Holiday from school in August to allow a Summer bank closure for workers to take a short break from their jobs.

Summer Bank Holiday in its current form

In 1965 the Summer Bank Holiday was moved to become a regular Summer occurrence following the last Saturday of August. It marks the end of the Summer Holiday as the Summer bank Holiday is followed by school's reopening. Summer bank closures are standardised to avoid confusion for businesses over this Summer occurrence. The end of the Summer holiday period is signalled by Summer bank closures that may fall in the first days of September. This Summer occurrence is not under threat of being moved unlike the Spring Bank Holiday.